Epic Stock Media Game Voices

Epic Stock Media Game Voices
Size 397 Mb 

Including Phrases Such As: Absolute, AHH, Almost, Alright, Amazing, Are You Ready, Atomic, Attack Mode, Attention Coughs, Awesome, Back To Menu, Bingo, Boom Baby, Boom, Bravo, BRUTAL, Can I Help You, Can I Trust You, Can You Help Me, Can’t Do That, Canceled, Charge, Come On, Complete, Consruction, Continue, Copy That, Coughing, Crying, Damn It, Don’t Cross Me, Don’t Do That, Don’t Forget, Enemy Spotted, Farewell, Fire, Follow Me, Game Over, Get Them, Go For It, Good Day, Good Luck, Goodbye, Great Job, Greetings Friends, Greetings, Groans, Growl, Grunts, Have You Seen Them, Hello, Hey Buddy, Hold Here, Holding, How Can I Help, How May I Serve You, How Much, I Believe In You, I Can’t Find It, I Don’t Believe It, I Don’t Have Enough, I Guess, I Like You, I Love You, I Miss You, I Must Keep Going, I Need More, I Need That, I Sense Danger, I Wonder Where I Can Find That, I’ll Kill You, I’m Bored, I’m Hungry, I’m Lost, I’ve Come To Smite You, Incoming, Interesting, Its Impossible, Its Locked, Jumps, Leave Them Behind, Low Power, Mocking Laugh, Need A Repair, New Folder, No More, No, Now Try This, Now, Oh No, Ok, On It, On My Way, Oops, Ouch, Ow, Patrol Here, Please Help Me, Really, Right, Roger, Sieze Them, Spare Some Change, Stop, Sure Will, Thank You, Thanks, That Was Fun, Thats A Hit, Thats Very Nice, They Are Dead, This Is Great, This Way, Training, Try This, Welcome Back, Welcome, What Are They Doing Here, What Are You Looking For, What Do You Want, What Have You Got, What, Whats Over Here, Whats This, Where Am I, Where’s That, Who Are You, Will Do, Will This Work, Woah, Won’t Go There, Yay, Yeah Alright I’ll Go, Yeah, Yes, You Can Do It, You Shouldn’t Be Here, You’ll Regret That, You’re Welcome

1843 files included – Character Voice Asset Audio Pack. Includes Character Voice – Calvin Character Voice – Jimmy Character Voice – Kimberly Character Voice – Sharon Character Voice – Timmy Character Voice – Yury All are High quality vocal assets. All 24bit 96k perfect for editing and tweaking for your purpose. Give Your Game characters the voice they need!

Files : 1843
Format : .WAV, 96k/24bit resolution
Size : 615.4 MB
Length (lapsed time) : 22m


Part 1   Part 2

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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