Groove3 Melodyne 4 Advanced


Groove3 Melodyne 4 Advanced
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In this in-depth video tutorial series, Melodyne expert Eli Krantzberg goes beyond Melodyne 4 Explained and dives deeper into Melodyne 4’s power features, showing you how to unleash the full creative potential of this “must have” pitch and time manipulation tool.

Eli starts off with multi-track editing in Melodyne, including an overview of the Melodyne 4 Studio standalone interface, then moves into a demonstration of importing audio and using the Auto Stretch feature.

Eli then explains his best practices for multiple track file management, as well as explores both mouse and key command navigation, scrubbing, scrolling, and zooming.

Moving on, Eli covers working with tempo, by showing you how to record a free performance and then assign a tempo to it, and how to work with time signatures.

You’ll then explore the various options for tempo editing, including copy/paste, conforming tempo and other ways to manipulate tempo.

A great Melodyne 4 features allows you to define custom scales, and Eli reveals how to use the Scale Detective and then customizing scales and tuning by editing and defining the musical intervals used by Melodyne in pitch detection.

Eli now discusses Exporting, and then covers how to use the Sound Editor. You’ll learn how to perform a spectral analysis of the harmonics of each note using the emphasis and dynamics sliders, and then see how to edit the overtone structure of the notes.

After that, Eli shows you the EQ working area and demonstrates how to use it like a graphic equalizer. Finally, you’ll experience the Synth Working Area and explore the Envelope and Re-Synthesis Controls.

When you’re ready to take your knowledge of Melodyne 4 to the next level, don’t miss “Melodyne 4 Advanced”!


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Part 1   Part 2   Part 3