Loop Lounge TRANSPARENT Ambient Pad, Texture & Drone

Loop Lounge TRANSPARENT Ambient Pad, Texture & Drone

Loop Lounge TRANSPARENT Ambient Pad, Texture & Drone
Size 303 Mb 

TRANSPARENT: Ambient Pad, Texture & Drone

Catalog Number: LLSL1604
Format: WAV.24Bit / 44.1 kHz WAV
Genre: Ambient, Chill Out & Fx

Organic, Dark, and Eerie are just some words to describe what this collection is about, suited for Ambient Music.

Evocative of sonic movement, the collection includes a large selection of Pad Loops which have been carefully crafted and exported into different layouts to give you the flexibility and ability to blend the samples creatively!

408.2MB, 105 Samples

15 Drones
20 Organic Textures
70 Pads
20 Sub Bass


Part 1   Part 2

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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