Music Production: How To Make Cyberpunk Music TUTORIAL

Music Production: How To Make Cyberpunk Music TUTORIAL

Music Production: How To Make Cyberpunk Music TUTORIAL

Have you ever wanted to make Cyberpunk Music, but don’t know how it’s done?

Making a Cyberpunk track can be a bit scary. The genre itself features a ton of distorted basses, heavy synthezisers and powerful drums, and it can be hard to start a cyberpunk song, produce it, mix it and master it.

That’s why I created this course, so anyone can create a powerful Cyberpunk track, with heavy synth, drums and memorable basses.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • The Secret AAA Composer Method, so that you never leave unfinished projects behind plus understand how to make more memorable music
  • The Cyberpunk Hidden Secrets, so that your drums, basslines and songs sound powerful and resonate with people
  • How to master LOUD, so that your music gets recognized among other Cyberpunk Songs
  • How to layer Basslines, so you always avoid that muddy sound and instead, get clean powerful basses
  • How to layer Drums, so you add uniqueness to them and sound awesome
  • How to make Song Transitions, so you never run out of ideas when making music
  • And many more!

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