SoundMorph Sinematic Neon Expansion


SoundMorph Sinematic Neon Expansion
Size 471 Mb 

Continuing on in the tradition of our wildly popular original cinematic library Sinematic, the Neon Expansion pack focuses on avant-garde cinematic sounds including: synthesized impacts, static glitched hits, mechanical mechanisms, organic slams and electronic punches. A priority was put on creating cinematic sounds that could work in the most current day cinematic productions. Illuminate your workflow by adding Sinematic: Neon Expansion to your collection!


Sinematic: Neon was created in collaboration with sound and graphic designer Nicholas Yochum , and contains 300+ sounds / 500+Mb of 24bit/96khz .WAV files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer & Basehead metadata, including:

Synthesized and Electronic Cinematic Impacts
Cyber & Biotech hits
Motion graphic sound glitches and passbys
Organic slams
Mechanical Mechanism hits
Designed and Raw Source Recordings
BONUS material from orignal Sinematic sound pack!


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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