Nokturnal Drums Mini Kit Volume 1 & 2 WAV
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Nokturnal Drums – Mini Kit Volume One (August Edition)
72 original drum samples including kicks, hi-hats, hi-hat loops, breaks, percussion, snares and various fx sounds. All samples recorded and synthesized , processed with analog gear, professionally mixed and mastered.
.NO digital clipping – everything is under 0db. Compatible with all DAWs, samplers, apps or programs that accept WAV format.
NEW kit every month. STAY TUNED!
The kit contains:
04 Claps
03 Drum Loops
02 Drum Textures
07 FX
10 Hi-Hats
02 Hi-Hat Loops
06 Hi-Hat Rools
10 Kicks
08 Percs
16 SNares
04 Vocal FX
Nokturnal Drums – Mini Kit Volume 2 (September Edition)
94 original drum samples including 808s, kicks, hi-hats, hi-hat loops, drum loops, claps, snares and various percussion.
All samples recorded and synthesized , processed with analog gear, professionally mixed and mastered. NO digital clipping – everything is under 0db.
Compatible with all DAWs, samplers, apps or programs that accept WAV format.
Kit Details:
08 808s
05 Claps
07 Drum Loops
06 HiHat Loops
12 HiHats
18 Kicks
03 Open Hats
12 Percs
01 Pre-Kick
02 Rim Shots
01 Snap
22 Snares